
Take Off Top & Not Get Ridicule!
Affordable Gynecomastia Surgery Cost with Weekly Payment Plan.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition among 40% of the male population in which there is an abnormal growth of female like breasts among them.

Gynecomastia occur for a number of reasons and the most common are due to obesity wherein there is too much accumulation of fat tissues on the chest wall. The second common cause is the imbalance of hormones inside the body where female- like characteristics, like breast growth, is seen among men.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

A fast and sure way to eliminate man boobs is through surgery either through excision of fat tissues or through liposuction surgery.

3 Types of Gynecomastia Surgery


This procedure is the usual method of relieving breast enlargement in men. It uses a long, narrow and hollowed instrument that is attached to a suction machine. It will suction out fats even in areas that are hard to reach. 

The advantage here is that it uses very minimal incisions creating better aesthetic outcome. Drains may be used to remove excess money. In order to ensure that a flatter chest will result, a compression garment would have to be used. 

Excisional surgery

This is a surgical procedure where the excess glandular and fat tissue of the breast is excised.  The incision would have to be made along the areolar edges or at the area near the armpit. The scars will not be that large and will be well hidden. In some cases where there is a significant amount of tissue that is removed, skin excision would have to be necessary to create a flatter chest. In this case there will be more visible scars due to the larger incisions required. 

Endoscopic surgery

Another approach entails the use of an instrument that is a flexible tube with a light and a camera to visualize the internal structures of the chest. This will eliminate the need of having to create a large incision. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Male of any age can be a good candidate for surgery, granted that the condition is not relieved by other measures even after two years. Patients who are obese should be within 30% of their desired body weight. It is also important for those suffering with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular problems, respiratory conditions or diabetes to obtain a certificate of clearance from their primary care physician. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Doctors 



Dr Masroor Alam is a Fellow of the Royal college of Surgeons in Ireland and a Fellow of the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgery.

Dr. Alam has many years of experience in General and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery from the United Kingdom and Australia. The number of his satisfied patients over the years has grown in thousands. Dr Alam has been a mentor for the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgery to train new doctors in this challenging field.

Dr Alam has a very pro-active and personal philosophy and will provide honest and straightforward advice. Post-operative care is of the utmost importance to Dr Alam and every effort is made to maintain patient comfort and care. 

If you are interested on getting gynecomastia or male reduction surgery in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, please call Esteem Cosmetic Studio at 1300 378 336.